King County Assessor John Wilson will present on our property tax bills and take questions from the audience.
There is a special election scheduled for February 8, for voters to consider renewing 2 Bellevue School District Levies. Melissa Davita is the financial officer who is responsible for making sure the school district bills are paid. She will present the facts and data regarding the levies, as well as how the Federal COVID dollars were allocated in Bellevue and how the decline in enrolment has impacted school finances.
Lastly, work is being planned for a Kelsey Creek Culvert at Lake Hills project. The City will be replacing the culvert. This topic was suggested by Eric, who said the project manager would possibly be willing to make a presentation at our meeting. Mindy will contact Eric and ask him to get a commitment.
Date: Thursday, (Correction) January 27, 2022
Time: 7:00 t0 8:30 pm
Place: Your computer, tablet, or smartphone!
Zoom link: