We Are Lake Hills

Park Walk – Lake Hills Greenbelt, June 11, 10 AM

Our next walk is coming up fast – this Sunday! Usually we go around Larsen Lake and south, this time we will go West  to see the marsh and go beyond to Sammamish High School. This is a pretty easy walk with no risk of wet feet, and if the mood strikes we can run a slight detour to Starbucks at the beginning or the end. We should see some wildlife as well as others on the trail, but there may be a few mosquitos so some repellent may be desirable. Let’s meet up at 10 AM (I want to sleep in for a change) at the blueberry field parking lot.


Where:         15416 SE 16th St
Bellevue, WA 98007
When:          10 AM, Sunday June 11, 1-2 hours

How far:      perhaps 2 miles


We have our park walk schedule (below) set for most of the year based on member input, with possible additions for park ranger walks and coordinating with the city.  Want something not on the list? By all means, let us know!

Bellevue Botanical June 3

Lake Hills Greenbelt Park June 11

Lewis Creek Park June 24

Lake Hills Community park to Robinswood Nature Park July 6

Weowna Park Trail              July 20

Kelsey Creek                         July 30

Airfield park                         8/8 5 pm

A Batty Evening at the Lake Hills Greenbelt   August 25           YOU MUST Pre-register at Register.BellevueWA.gov

Mercer Slough -Enatai Beach 9/9