We Are Lake Hills


Hello, Lake Hills Neighbors!

There is news about the Puget Sound Energy project to run taller power poles and lines down 148th Avenue, to connect the two sub-stations at SE 16th/156th Ave SE with NE 8th/164th Ave NE.  East Bellevue Community Council studied the plans thoroughly, and decided that they will severely damage the Urban Boulevard that is 148thAvenue.  The plans included removing several hundred trees along 148th, and putting up power lines where we currently have wide open sky and views.  Puget Sound Energy will be able to charge us all for decades for the upgraded power lines.  There are less expensive ways for them to achieve the same power-reliability goals, but they won’t provide the same profits for PSE.

I know that some of you want the more reliable service that PSE says this will give us, while some of you want the beautiful boulevard that we now enjoy.  Our City Council will vote on Monday evening on this issue. If you want your opinion heard on this, it’s time to send a letter to the City Council at council@bellevuewa.gov.  East Bellevue Community Council went to court on this issue, and won their suit.  PSE appealed, and won a part of the appeal.  Now EBCC is asking for the City Council to fund their appeal to the Washington Supreme Court.  Currently the City Council leans toward not providing the financial support for this suit.  Your email to the City Council should offer your support for the appeal, or your lack of support for the appeal.  Both Jennifer Robertson and Conrad Lee voted for the continued appeal, while the other members of the council voted against it.

Note that there are other solutions provided in a report the City commissioned for $300,000 that will solve the redundancy issue without putting wires down 148th.

Let your voice be heard!