Exciting news! The Neighborhood Association now has a gardening group which is being chaired by Liz Baze. Whether your flower beds are sunny or shady, whether you prefer container gardening on the patio or fantasize about turning your entire yard into a vegetable garden, this is the group for you! It is open to gardeners of all ages and skill levels; no registration or membership fee is required to participate, though we do ask that folks RSVP if they plan to attend. We will:
~Learn how to grow veggies or flowers, or both!
~Learn water conservation techniques
~Learn how to plant low maintenance gardens
~Grow a garden to support pollinators
~Identify invasive weeds and common pests; learn how to stop them (or at least slow them down!)
~Get ideas for garden DIY projects
~Get ideas for kid-friendly learning gardens
~Trade seeds and plants
~Help neighbors in need with their garden beds
~Lend a hand with neighborhood beautification projects (i.e. planting in traffic circles)
~Explore garden sharing
~Contribute to an entry for the Neighborhood Enhancement Program grant
~Get to know our neighbors!
While we will have some expert speakers, we will also be learning from each other and taking advantage of the wisdom of our neighbors who have experience gardening in this climate and region.
LHNG will meet once a month on Saturday afternoons. The date, time, and subject matter will be posted on WeAreLakeHills.org, the group Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Lake-Hills-Neighborhood-Gardeners-520851438304525/, and Nextdoor. Outside of the monthly meeting, or perhaps sometimes in place of, we will schedule work parties to help our neighbors who struggle to care for their own flower beds. Everyone is welcome to join!
Our kick-off gathering is May 13, 1:00-2:00 at the Lake Hills Greenbelt Ranger’s Station (at the Demonstration Garden), where attendees will help choose topics for the summer. If you have ideas but can’t attend, or would like to assist Liz with running the group, please email her at elbaze@live.com. Please RSVP on Facebook or Nextdoor.com if you plan to join us on May 13. If you’d like to make an afternoon of it, stick around afterward to attend the Ranger’s tour which starts at 2:00!