At a recent Lake Hills Neighborhood Association meeting, residents offered their ideas for how the Neighborhood Enhancement Project levy money should be used. The projects are totally resident driven. We all submit out ideas, and then the whole neighborhood gets to vote. The city reviews each idea for cost and reasonableness, and to be sure that it doesn’t duplicate something already in the works, and then distributes a list of the ideas and the prices. We can have one big project for $500,000, or several projects that add up to that amount. Some things that don’t get voted in might become projects anyway, if the city agrees they should be done.
Clubhouse for us
Off-leash area for dogs behind Samena
Bat houses on trail by SE 4th
Improve trail between Phantom Lake Elementary and Lake Hills Park
Better streetlights
Improve walkway by Walmart
Bike racks and drinking fountains at Weowna
Sensor street lighting on 156th between Main and Lake Hills Blvd.
Bigger trash cans on trails / Solar (?)
Turn signal from 156th onto Main
Lit crosswalk at 9th and 156th
Pathway lighting on path behind Samena
Lights for Spiritwood Park
Park restroom signage
Park restrooms open year round